Source code for mastersign.datascience.database

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This module contains functionality to comfortably access a SQL database.

import os
from collections import Iterable
import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from ..files import read_parquet as read_cachefile
from ..files import write_parquet as write_cachefile

_def_db_conn = None

[docs]def set_default_db_conn(db_conn): """ Sets the default connection string for subsequent database queries. :param db_conn: A SqlAlchemy connection string. """ global _def_db_conn _def_db_conn = db_conn
[docs]def execute(sql, db_conn=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Execute a SQL statement, returning no data. :param sql: A string as a SQL statement. :param db_conn: A SqlAlchemy connection string. (optional) :param args: Additional positional arguments, passed to `sqlalchemy.engine.Connection.execute()`. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments, passed to `sqlalchemy.engine.Connection.execute()`. """ engine = create_engine(db_conn or _def_db_conn) try: with engine.connect() as conn: conn.execute(sql, *args, **kwargs) finally: engine.dispose()
[docs]def load_query(query, db_conn=None, date=None, defaults=None, dtype=None, index=None, chunksize=4096, cachefile=None, compress_cache=False, **kwargs): """ Load data from an arbitrary SQL query. :param query: A string as a SQL query. :param db_conn: A SqlAlchemy connection string. (optional) :param date: A column name or an iterable with column names, or a dict with column names and date format strings, for parsing specific columns as datetimes. (optional) :param defaults: A dict with column names and default values for `NULL` values. (optional) Can be used to fill columns with defaults before converting them to numeric data types with `dtype`. See `pandas.DataFrame.fillna()` for more details. :param dtype: A dict with column names and NumPy datatypes or ``'category'``. (optional) See `pandas.DataFrame.astype()` for details. :param index: A column name or an iterable with column names, which will be the index in the resulting DataFrame. (optional) :param chunksize: The number of rows to load in a chunk before converting them into a Pandas DataFrame. (optional) :param cachefile: A path to a file to cache the result data from the query. (optional) If the file already exists, the content of the file is returned instead of connecting to the database. :param compress_cache: A switch to activate data compression for the cache file. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to `pandas.read_sql_query()`. :return: Pandas DataFrame """ if cachefile: if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(cachefile)): raise FileNotFoundError("The parent directory for the cache file does not exist.") try: return read_cachefile(cachefile) except FileNotFoundError: pass if type(date) is str: date = (date,) def process_chunk(c): if defaults: c.fillna(defaults, inplace=True, downcast=dtype) if dtype: c = c.astype(dtype, copy=False) return c engine = create_engine(db_conn or _def_db_conn) try: with engine.connect().execution_options(stream_results=True) as conn: chunks = list(map( process_chunk, pd.read_sql_query(query, conn, index_col=index, parse_dates=date, chunksize=chunksize, **kwargs))) finally: engine.dispose() df = pd.concat(chunks) if cachefile: write_cachefile(df, cachefile, compress=compress_cache) return df
[docs]def load_scalar(query, db_conn=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Load a single scalar from an arbitrary SQL query. :param query: A string as a SQL query. :param db_conn: A SqlAlchemy connection string. (optional) :param args: Additional positional arguments, passed to `sqlalchemy.engine.Connection.execute()`. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments, passed to `sqlalchemy.engine.Connection.execute()`. :return: A single value """ engine = create_engine(db_conn or _def_db_conn) try: with engine.connect().execution_options(stream_results=True) as conn: return conn.execute(query, *args, **kwargs).scalar() finally: engine.dispose()
def _select_query(table_name, columns=None, where=None, group_by=None, limit=None): if columns: column_list = ', '.join(columns) else: column_list = '*' if type(where) is str: where_clause = where elif where: where_clause = ' AND '.join( map(lambda term: term if type(term) is str else '(' + ' OR '.join(term) + ')', where)) else: where_clause = '' if where_clause: where_clause = ' WHERE ' + where_clause if type(group_by) is str: group_by_clause = group_by elif group_by: group_by_clause = ', '.join(group_by) else: group_by_clause = '' if group_by_clause: group_by_clause = ' GROUP BY ' + group_by_clause if limit: if not isinstance(limit, str) and isinstance(limit, Iterable): limit_clause = ' LIMIT ' \ + str(int(limit[0])) + ', ' \ + str(int(limit[1])) else: limit_clause = ' LIMIT ' + str(int(limit)) else: limit_clause = '' return "SELECT {} FROM `{}`{}{}{} ;".format( column_list, table_name, where_clause, group_by_clause, limit_clause)
[docs]def load_table(name, columns=None, where=None, group_by=None, limit=None, db_conn=None, date=None, defaults=None, dtype=None, index=None, chunksize=4096, cachefile=None, compress_cache=False, **kwargs): """ Load data from a SQL table. :param name: The name of the table. :param columns: An iterable of column names. (optional) :param where: A string with on condition or an iterable. (optional) The iterable forms a conjunction and can hold strings as conditions or nested iterables. The nested iterables form disjunctions and must hold strings with conditions. :param group_by: A string as a GROUP-BY-clause or an iterable with multiple GROUP-BY-clauses. (optional) :param limit: The maximum number of rows, or a pair with an row offset and the maximum number of rows. (optional) :param db_conn: A SqlAlchemy connection string. (optional) :param date: A column name or an iterable with column names, or a dict with column names and date format strings, for parsing specific columns as datetimes. (optional) :param defaults: A dict with column names and default values for `NULL` values. (optional) Can be used to fill columns with defaults before converting them to numeric data types with `dtype`. See `pandas.DataFrame.fillna()` for more details. :param dtype: A dict with column names and NumPy datatypes or ``'category'``. (optional) See `pandas.DataFrame.astype()` for more details. :param index: A column name or an iterable with column names, which will be the index in the resulting DataFrame. (optional) :param chunksize: The number of rows to load in a chunk before converting them into a Pandas DataFrame. (optional) :param cachefile: A path to a file to cache the result data from the query. (optional) If the file already exists, the content of the file is returned instead of connecting to the database. :param compress_cache: A switch to activate data compression for the cache file. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to `pandas.read_sql_query()`. :return: Pandas DataFrame """ sql_query = _select_query(name, columns=columns, where=where, group_by=group_by, limit=limit) return load_query(sql_query, db_conn=db_conn, date=date, defaults=defaults, dtype=dtype, index=index, chunksize=chunksize, cachefile=cachefile, compress_cache=compress_cache, **kwargs)