Mastersign.ConfigModel is based on the YamlDotNet deserializer and adds features for loading the configuration of an app from YAML files.
The library currently supports the following features:
- Includes
- String sourcing from text files
- Multiple layers
- Optional merge or replace for items in dictionaries / lists
- Auto reload on file change
Example Model
The following model is used in most of the examples:
using Mastersign.ConfigModel;
class ProjectModel : ConfigModelBase
public string? Project { get; set; }
public string? Description { get; set; }
public DataModel? Data { get; set; }
class DataModel : ConfigModelBase
public int? Version { get; set; }
public Dictionary<string, int> Values { get; set; }
The base class ConfigModelBase adds support for includes and string sourcing to the model. The class attribute MergableConfigModelAttribute indicates, that the annotated class can be automatically merged by assigning or merging each readable and writable public property.
Therefore, both classes ProjectModel
and DataModel
do support includes and string sourcing.
And instances of these classes are automatically merged by merging their public properties.